Donate to Us

At Apeksha Hospital, your generosity plays a vital role in enhancing patient care and supporting our medical services. Whether you prefer to donate online, in person, or through physical items, we offer various ways to contribute to our mission.

Ways to Donate

Online Donations:

Make a secure online donation through our Donation Portal.

Direct Bank Deposits

You can support the ongoing and planned development projects by making a direct bank deposit to the following account:

  • Account Name: National Cancer Institute Apeksha Development Committee
    Account Number: 000160005440
    Bank: Sampath Bank PLC
    Branch: City Branch
    Bank Code: 7278
    Branch Code: 001

Once you have made the deposit, kindly email a copy of the deposit slip to the Treasurer at [email protected] for confirmation.

Donate via GovPay by LankaPay

In-Person Donations:

Visit our hospital reception during business hours to make a donation in person.

Address: Apeksha Hospital, Maharagama, Sri Lanka.

Physical Donations:

Donate medical supplies, equipment, or other essential items. Please contact us to arrange a drop-off or collection.

Contact Information: +94 (77) 776 0751

Repository of Donated Items

We are immensely grateful for the generous donations from our supporters. Below is a repository of items that have been donated to Apeksha Hospital, which helps us provide the best possible care for our patients.

Item Quantity Donor Name Date Donated
ECG Machines TBD Donor Name Date
Ultrasound Machines TBD Donor Name Date
Bronchoscopes TBD Donor Name Date
Defibrillators TBD Donor Name Date
Combined Laser System TBD Donor Name Date
Medical Supplies and Equipment Various Donor Name Date
Patient Care Items Various Donor Name Date